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Biweekly Report (Oct.29 - Nov.12) – Impressive Community Involvement - Contributors Boost PRs


Together with our global community of contributors, GreptimeDB continues to evolve and flourish as a growing open-source project. We are grateful to each and every one of you.

In the past two weeks, we have made steady progress. Below are some highlights:

  • Fixed the EntityTooSmall issue when performing compaction on AWS S3.
  • Implemented adaptive PageSize reduction for the KV PaginationStream.
  • Support Configuring PhiAccrualFailureDetector Parameters.
  • Development of the brand-new module region migration and inverted index is in progress.


For the past two weeks, our community has been super active with a total of 56 PRs merged. 10 PRs from 3 external contributors merged successfully and lots pending to be merged.

Congrats on becoming our most active contributors in the past 2 weeks:

👏 Welcome contributor @fbs to the community as new contributors, and congratulations on successfully merging their first PR!

The GreptimeDB community sincerely thanks member @tisonkun for contributing multiple PRs over the past two weeks, and even over the past month. In just the time span of this bi-weekly report, @tisonkun has contributed 6 PRs to our project. We highly appreciate his efficient contributions👍. There are more PRs from him waiting to be merged.

A big THANK YOU to all our members and contributors! It is people like you who are making GreptimeDB a great product. Let's build an even greater community together.

Highlights of Recent PR

#2712 Fixed an issue with EntityTooSmall occurring during compaction execution based on AWS S3.

#2689 KV PaginationStream Adapts to Reduce PageSize

When the response from the KV range interface exceeds the gRPC message size limit, the PaginationStream will decrease adaptively the PageSize and retry.

#2709 #2724 Support Configuring PhiAccrualFailureDetector Parameters

Previously, PhiAccrualFailureDetector could only use default values, but the above PRs now allow us to customize its settings in the Metasrv configuration file.

#2693 #2703 Region Migration and Inverted Index Development in Progress

Recently, engineers at GreptimeDB have been intensely working on region migration and inverted index development. Detailed designs can be referred to in the above RFC documents.

New Things


Incorporate kubectl-style plugin features, allowing gtctl to launch plugins using subcommand syntax.


Refactored the original command-line internal implementation, making the internal workings of the gtctl command line cleaner.

Recent Events

Last week, Greptime participated in KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023 in Chicago. As a dynamic startup in the cloud-native open-source community, we seized the opportunity to connect with global professionals. Our founding team presented our latest tech innovations, garnering attention in the niche field of time-series databases.

For more on-site content from KubeCon'23, please check out our Vlog on YouTube👇 https://youtu.be/TSEZfw2NeBs?si=iA_v_6FjdR-m0AxU


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